It is always difficult to balance your budget and manage your finances, no matter what your age is. Some people get help from professionals, while some are able to get their finances straight through the help of technology. Mobile applications offer a convenient and easy way to manage your finances. Not sure which one to download? Here are four apps you should check out.


First in our list is Mint, a budget application that allows you to manage all of your financial accounts. This app allows you to create a more or less complete picture of various aspects of your financial life, from bank accounts, to credit cards, investments, and even your bills. To better keep track of your incomes and outflow, Mint gives you an easily navigable budget tracker that will help you create and meet a budget, and set monthly bill payments.



For individuals who want a straightforward budgeting and tracking app, PocketGuard is the way to go. Just like Mint, PocketGuard allows users to link various accounts within the platform. This includes checking, credit, and savings accounts. The app allows you to enter items in two categories: bills and income. It also requires you to enter a savings goal.

This way, you can easily get a picture of how balanced (or unbalanced) your finances are, while making sure that you have savings. To help you save money, you can also set a spending limit. From your inputs, the app will calculate your income, outflow, savings, and remaining funds.



If you do not work as a salaried individual and you get your income from self-employment, then this app is for you. Tycoon allows you to monitor not only your current income but also your past job details. First, Tycoon lets you enter payments from clients you are expecting, then sends a notification if it is overdue. You can even notify your clients using the app.

For those who have been working as a self-employed individual for a long time, you can enter your historical job data for compilation. This way, you can easily export your data and send it to your accountant. For your tax responsibilities, this application also lets you set aside taxes.

You Need a Budget

You will be motivated to work on creating a budget just by the name of the app. YNAB lets you synchronize your bank accounts in a single platform, giving you mobile access to them without multiple logins. Aside from having the ability to enter your income and outflow, the application also has a transaction matching feature. With this, YNAB matches imported transactions with your inputs, ensuring that the balances are correct and precise.


The best thing about this is that it offers financial advice through the Four Rules. According to the app, you should allocate every dollar, embrace your expenses, make adjustments as changes come, and age your money.


Every dollar you get is part of your hard-earned money. With the help of these apps, you can make sure that every bit of your hard work is accounted for.